
How are you all doing and coping with lockdown?  For me its given me the chance to get things done that were on my “To Do” list.  One of those things was adding Dermaplaning to my Treatment Menu. I’ve dermaplaned my own face for a long time now as my skin was just too sensitiveContinueContinue reading “Dermaplaning”

Updating my Content!!! Getting things done!!!

As we all seem to have a lot of time on our hands, Ive been using this time to try and get some of the admin jobs done that I always seem to put off or never find time to. The last couple of days I’ve been pretty busy posting and updating my content. PressContinueContinue reading “Updating my Content!!! Getting things done!!!”

Amazon Haul for the Salon

So it’s been a while since I’ve last blogged, my life is just always so hectic but I really want to get into being on here more regularly. In the last few days I’ve also managed to upload 2 videos to You Tube, so I’m trying to be consistent in uploading content. My most recentContinueContinue reading “Amazon Haul for the Salon”

Enamel Pins are Here !!!! now available …

Hey All!! I just wanted to come on here and update you as my Nail Polish Enamel Pins finally arrived yesterday . I love them . They turned out so much better than expected. They are so shiny and beautiful. I can’t believe that I actually designed my own pins and I now physicallyContinueContinue reading “Enamel Pins are Here !!!! now available …”

Ali Express and Cute

I’m addicted to buying anything related to Nails. My clients can probably vouch for this by the amount of Gel polish colours and Nail art supplies that I have in my little home salon. I first came across the App called “Cute”. This is an App powered by Wish, but it’s basically just all BeautyContinueContinue reading “Ali Express and Cute”

I’m so excited!! Enamel Pin

I just had to come on here as I’ve had a delivery today and I’m so excited . My backing cards for my Enamel Pins have arrived . This means I’m one step closer to my pins being released. I’ve also ordered all the packaging and pretty Organza bags so they need to arrive .ContinueContinue reading “I’m so excited!! Enamel Pin”

Using Different Nail Brands – Should we??

Should we be dedicated to one brand in our business? When Gel polish first started entering the Nail industry I was using Nsi as my Gel and Acrylic Brand so automatically I chose their Gel polish Brand ‘Polish Pro’ to try. I was amazed by it. I only bought the one colour – Red.  IContinueContinue reading “Using Different Nail Brands – Should we??”

Working from a Cabin in these Windy conditions 💨

It’s been a hell of a windy day here in Bedfordshire , gusts up to 43knots ( I speak airline lingo not mph, lol). Working from a log cabin in the back of my garden you have to put up with all types of weather conditions. In the Summer its too hot, in the WinterContinueContinue reading “Working from a Cabin in these Windy conditions 💨”

Designing an Enamel Pin

So I stumbled across some Studio Vlogs on You Tube and I’ve been obsessed ever since. I’m not an artist , I’m not even good at drawing but I’ve been so inspired watching these artists what they can create. One artist in particular is a lady called Catherine (Katnipp) . Her artwork is amazing andContinueContinue reading “Designing an Enamel Pin”