
How are you all doing and coping with lockdown?  For me its given me the chance to get things done that were on my “To Do” list.  One of those things was adding Dermaplaning to my Treatment Menu. I’ve dermaplaned my own face for a long time now as my skin was just too sensitive for waxing or facial removal creams, then my make-up would always look patchy.   Since Dermaplaning , make-up goes on so much smoother and I love it so I wanted to be able to offer it on a Professional Level and now I can.

So What is Dermaplanning?

Dermaplaning is an effective and safe exfoliation procedure.  It uses a sterile surgical scalpel to shave the surface of the skin to remove excess dead skin and peach fuzz hairs. Benefits include

  • Provides deeper product penetration
  • Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils
  • Promotes smoother skin
  • Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and “peachfuzz”
  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars
  • Diminishes the look of fine lines
  • Works on all skin types
  • Instant results and no downtime

Treatment is finished with a 24k Gold Face mask to help firm, lift, brighten and calm the appearance of the skin while providing and opulent glow.

Dermaplaning Myths Busted !!!

     1.Dermaplaning will cause your hair to grow back darker!!!
This is a total myth, Your hair will grow back exactly the same colour and thickness as it was previously. You can’t change the structure of your hair follicle by simply shaving your hair off.
2. Dermaplaning Will Cause Your Hair To Grow Back Thicker !!!!!
When you dermaplane, you are removing very, very fine hair called vellus hair. so that means that once the hair has fully grown back in, it will look and feel exactly the same as before.

3 . Dermaplaning Will Cause Breakouts!!!
Not only will dermaplaning not cause breakouts, it will actually prevent them from happening. By exfoliating the dead skin it will help to keep your skin clear. It will also allow for much better product penetration.

4. You can just do it at home with a Razor!!!!
Dermaplaning instead involves using a specialist scalpel tool to remove hair, just like a razor, but the scalpel is used to also remove layers of dead skin, and it is applied in a such a way that it is totally pain free, and wont result in those itchy shaving rashes, irritation, or pimples.

Until Next Time ……

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